Saturday 26 October 2013

I spy with my little eye,..

So... each month i’ve been keeping a record of the species that I have seen, once they are listed I don’t put down every single time see them!
White Crowned Hornbill... very rare sighting we were lucky enough to see a family at Tabin Wildlife lodge
Rhinocerous Hornbill.. no as rare but still beautiful
Storm Stork-a scarce resident but I have managed to see a few mainly in oil palm plantation trees
Buffy Fish Owl.. down by the river while we were washing the car.. Grandma I thought you’d like this one!
Orang-utan.. a large male sat in the tree behind the house
Bornean Elephant... many!
Sambar Deer
Bearded Pig Family
Monitor Lizard
Rat Snake.. on a branch right above my head whilst out walking!
Mosquitoes, rats, geckos, sandflies- these seem to think they are our housemates!

BANTENG.. I actually saw them!! J thought I was going to have a heart attack with excitement and trying to keep quiet, but it was amazing. I no longer think they are mythical!
Male Crested Fireback-a member of the pheasant family with amazing colouration
Long Tailed Macaque
Leopard cat... not to be mistaken with a clouded leopard, these are house cat sized!
Common Palm Civet
Banded Linsang
Terrapin..we saved it from being run over
Malayan Banded Wolf Snake.. luckily only a juvenile, it was in the shower and the boys caught it!
Fish...i’m sorry but we may have eaten some of you!

Pacific Swallow
Raffles’ malkoha- after much deliberation and sitting watching through my binoculars this is the conclusion we came to!
Male Oriental Magpie Robin
Red Leaf Monkey.. swinging in the trees!
Malay Civet- See October’s blog post for the full story of this little devil!
Yellow Throated Marten.. a pair crossing the road while we were walking
Short tailed Mongoose
Flying Lemur- actually saw it flying
Thomas’ Flying Squirrel
Flying lizard

HUGE snake in the river.. I was with Lee who is terrified of snakes which was quite funny!

November and December
Due to the extensive list above, actually seeing a new species is become less and less frequent, however there have been a few!
Water Buffalo- I didn't know they were even here until I saw them!
Ranee Mouse- a cute little mouse made a nice change from big rats!
Crested Serpent Eagle- I've probably seen lots of these but I didn't know what they were until now

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