Wednesday 31 July 2013

We've Arrived

We've arrived! 25 hours after leaving home we are all checked into our little rooms for the night, having successfully negotiated Heathrow, Hong Kong and Kota Kinabalu airports and found ourself a taxi to the city centre. The aeroplane food was interesting, the evening meals were nice but not sure about minced chicken for breakfast! Very glad my welshcakes didnt get taken by customs so I had them to keep me going :D. Been for a wonder around a lovely night market and had food in a seafood food hall this evening.  This place is soo cheap, it cost 11 british poumds for our airport transfer and our bed and breakfast...With all then luxuries... air con, wifi, hot showers!! Heading to Danau Girang tomorrow, not sure how much internet there is there... may be proper jungle living! X

Friday 26 July 2013

4 days to go

My Borneo adventure begins on tuesday, so tonight I am having drinks with my friends and family! My bags are nearly packed and my last bits of shopping are done.... excited doesn't cover how I feel :D